Sally Heidtke

Author – Intuitive – Spiritual Adventurer 


Want to get MORE out of your life?

Do you have chronic pain or are too tired to do what you love…or even to get through the day?  Are you in a relationship that is driving you crazy?

Sally can help.  She tunes in intuitively to the power of her spirit guides to access what is behind these challenges. This frees you up for a healthier life, more satisfying relationships, and clarity to move ahead in life with purpose and joy.

“Take a deep breath and move forward to address what may be the most difficult parts of your life.   I’m here to help you.  I am here to help you find joy.”                      Sally Heidtke

Here's what you get when you work with me

Better Relationships

Getting along with others is complicated. If you have a key relationship in your life that you want to improve so you feel heard, respected, or valued, Sally can help.    Sally and her guides help you connect to powerful attractor fields, which are key to changing the dynamic of how you relate to others, while still being you!   Confidential sessions are 30 or 60 minutes by phone or video call.  Payment for services is voluntary.

Healthy Self

Is pain, fatigue, or a health issue making it hard to live the life you want? Ask Sally about your physical and emotional symptoms and get to the root cause.  Bring her your long-standing complex issues that you have almost given up on.  Sally and her guides will help identify your “healthy self” priorities and work with powerful attractor fields to support your health and well-being. Confidential sessions are 30 or 60 minutes by phone or video call.   Payment for services is voluntary.


Is your life good but not great?  Is something just “missing”? Being fulfilled is more than just checking off life’s “to do” boxes. It’s about feeling happy and satisfied with life…feeling that your abilities and talents are being fully used.  Sally and her guides can work with you to explore your fulfillment and connect you to powerful attractor fields to help you get there.  Achieve joyful fulfillment!  Confidential sessions are 30 or 60 minutes by phone or video call.  Payment for services is voluntary.