Are you looking for more out of your life? Do you feel frustrated because despite your best efforts, you just do not make progress? We are all great at some things and we all have our \”flat spots\” that just seem to elude us. Don\’t give up! Empower your best self by \”Attracting Joy\”!
I developed the \”Attracting Joy\” energy method with the help of my spirit guides. The book Power vs. Force by Dr. David R. Hawkins inspired me to explore the powerful concept of attractor fields and their strong influence on us all. This may sound very abstract, but it has a very practical application in our lives.
The Power of Attractor Fields
Attractors are hidden energy patterns behind what seem to be random natural events. These hidden patterns are really the power behind much of what we experience as the \”headwinds\” and \”tailwinds\” in our lives. You know how sometimes no matter what you do, life is just hard? And other times it\’s like you can do no wrong…things just fall into place. That\’s an example of attractor fields. They can be strong or weak and they interact together with other fields. Think of an attractor field as a magnetic field full of other magnetic fields and you\’re an iron filing.
Attractor fields are either negative or positive, although there is a broad range of both. Negative fields are \”forceful\” and typically dominate when we feel like we have to scratch and claw for anything we get. People in this mode often struggle and have low satisfaction with life. Positive fields are \”powerful\” and we can thank them when things come easily to us. People dominated by positive fields are generally happier in life and more optimistic that things will get better. I like to spend time with powerful attractor fields leading the way!
\”Attracting Joy\” method uses Attractor Fields to help you
The Attracting Joy method puts these concepts to work. It is an energy technique that works with the wisdom of your higher self. Using muscle testing (kinesiology), the practitioner asks basic yes/no questions about the attractor fields connected to your issue. Any negative fields found are disconnected using intention. Similarly, any positive attractor fields that support the desire are connected. The influences of reducing the negative fields and increasing the positive fields creates powerful conditions for improvement.
Think of the potential! Virtually any life challenge can be improved by optimizing attractor fields. They give you a boost of support for what matters to you. The possibilities are tremendous and are only limited by your curiosity and imagination. To learn more, visit